Mystery of Christopher Hoye vanishing from his Ozarks home investigated on Disappeared on ID

Christopher Hoye missing pic
Christopher Hoye has been missing since May 2022. Pic credit: Pulaski County Sheriff’s Dept.

Disappeared on ID is investigating the case of Christopher Hoye, who suddenly vanished from his home near Dixon, Missouri, in 2022.

On May 20, 2022, 33-year-old Christopher left his wife and son for no apparent reason and has not been seen since.

His wife, Alysha Hoye, said she heard him leave the house, and when she asked their son where Christopher had gone, he said he didn’t know. The son said his dad had told him to go to his room just before he left.

Alysha later told the local press that she knew instantly something was wrong. She had a friend come over so she could look for her husband. She went down to the river, where she found Christopher’s truck with the keys still inside.

She searched the river and woods, and the police would also perform a thorough search a short time later. But there was no sign of Christopher.

The circumstances of his disappearance are particularly unsettling because he left the house without his wallet, phone, or any other personal belongings.

Christopher Hoye was not thought to be suicidal when he vanished

Alysha is distraught at not knowing what happened to her husband; she said, “I don’t think he was suicidal. I don’t think he killed himself. But I don’t know. And that not knowing is what was killing me.”

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She says she’s “lost” without her husband and spends much of her time searching the woods for him. She added, “I feel like he’s alive. And then, if more people knew he was missing, it would bring him home.”

Detective Paul Morton with the Pulaski County Sheriff’s still hopes he will “pop up somewhere” and has found no evidence of foul play.

Morton also told the local press, “We have gotten a few small tips, but nothing has led to anything profound.”

Cops issued detailed description of the missing Christopher Hoye

Christopher was described as a white male, 5′ 6″ to 5′ 7″ tall, weighing about 175 lbs. He had brown shaggy hair, about 3-5 inches long, with a high forehead and thinning in spots. He also had a thick, brown, full beard and mustache.

He has multiple scars on both forearms, hands, and knuckles, and above his left eyebrow. On his disappearance, Christopher was wearing gym shorts, a light-colored t-shirt, a black ballcap, and black sneakers.

Anyone with any information about what happened to Christopher should contact the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department at (573) 774-4701.

Disappeared airs Sundays at 10/9c on Investigation Discovery.

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8 months ago

My heart breaks for his children and loved ones. What you feel and go through with no answers is unexplainable. I’ve been through it. We seriously need to investigate the ex and give these children an answer 😥

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