Brett Knight fired 11 shots through his former friend’s window murdering Ross Reisner

Mugshot of Brett Knight
Brett Knight was sentenced to 22-years in prison for murdering his former friend Ross Reisner. Pic credit: Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office

On September 24, 2013, Long Island couple Ross Reisner and Kevin Murray were sat in their home in an upmarket neighborhood in Setauket when 11 gunshots were suddenly fired through the window.

One of the bullets grazed Murray’s arm, injuring him slightly; however, 50-year-old Reisner was killed. It would later transpire that their friend of 20-years Brett Knight (46) had been the one who opened fire while in a fit of rage.

Reisner was a respected equestrian who owned a horse farm and had competed at the Hampton, Classic horseshow. His murder shocked and terrified this upscale and respectable neighborhood.

The trio had been friends for 20 years, but the relationship had deteriorated after Knight rented a room from the couple. They ended up getting into a dispute, which led to the killer being evicted.

Knight, who was a former executive at American Express, also believed his past friends had contacted his ex-employer to tell them that his wrongful-termination lawsuit was baseless.

He drove his motorcycle from Utah to Long Island, where he fired the shots through Reisner’s kitchen window. He then fled across state lines, only to be apprehended in Tennessee and escorted back to New York by US Marshals.

Brett Knight confessed to murdering Ross Reisner

In February 2015, Knight pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and second-degree attempted murder along with some other charges and was sentenced to 22-years in prison.

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He also confessed to harassing Reisner and Murray for months before the shooting. At one stage, he had even mailed them a dead pigeon. On another occasion, he threatened them with a letter quoting a passage from the movie Pulp Fiction and writing, “Prepare yourselves for a painful end.”

Knight publicly apologized for the killing and said he would use the time in prison to reflect on his crimes with the aid of Buddhism, which he had practiced for 27-years.

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Raw Terror airs 9/8c on Investigation Discovery.

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susan wydra
susan wydra
4 years ago

22 yrs for the commission of a pre-meditated murder and yrs of harassment..I’ve seen jay walkers get more time.

Kara Fabian
Kara Fabian
4 years ago

Not nearly enough time for destroying their lives and taking Ross away from Kevin and his family & friends.
Thank you Kevin, for bravely sharing your truth. Your love is felt throughout the filming. Ross was filled with joie de vivre that was contagious, and should never be forgotten. I miss him so ?

4 years ago

WHY didn’t Kevin Murray kick Brett out earlyt on? Instead he continues to let this madman live with them. I know that eventually, the police said that if they got any more calls, ALL THREE would be arrested, but this was LATE in the game. But even then, Ross and Kevin could’ve hired a lawyer (they certainly had the money to, with the looks of that house). They could have also changed the locks or hired a locksmith while Brett was gone somewhere. This isn’t rockest science. Sorry, but when you allow a “friend” to continue living with you even though he’s sending “abusive” texts and becoming increasingly unhinged, you KICK HIM OUT. If you don’t, U R AN IDIOT.

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