Murder of Samantha Fleming by Geraldine Jones spotlighted on ID

Mugshot of Geraldine Jones
Geraldine Jones is serving a 30-year sentence for killing and kidnapping Samantha Fleming. Pic credit: Madison County Sheriff’s Office

Mother of All Lies on ID is investigating the disturbing and strange murder of Samantha Fleming, a young mother who was kidnapped and stabbed to death by Geraldine Jones. The killer hoped to steal Fleming’s baby.

On April 6, 2015, Jones knocked on the door of Fleming’s apartment in Anderson, Indiana. Jones was dressed in a business suit and had an official-looking binder. She identified herself as a Department of Child Services worker and claimed Fleming and her 17-day-old baby Serenity were to attend a court hearing in Gary, Indiana.

Unfortunately, 23-year-old Fleming and baby Serenity left with Jones, who took them to her home in Gary. Fleming’s boyfriend reported them missing a couple of days later.

The police got a lucky break when Fleming’s wallet was found at an apartment complex where Jones’ sister lived. Detectives later found an address for Jones, and when they knocked on her door, they were met by Jones’s sister holding baby Serenity.

The sister told an incredible tale, in which Geraldine Jones had told family and friends she was pregnant with twins and had furnished a room as a nursery with baby clothes and furniture.

She then told her family that she had given birth, but one baby died. Jones had then left the baby (Serenity) with her sister while she traveled to Texas for an unspecified reason.

Anderson cops found Samantha Fleming remains in Geraldine Jones house

Jones’s sister told the detectives that she didn’t believe the baby belonged to her sister. And in a scene straight out of a horror movie, she then asked the detectives about an odor in the house. She asked, “Do you smell the smell in the house? It smells like someone is dead.”

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The detectives followed the smell until they found the remains of Fleming in a closet. She had been stabbed ten times, doused in bleach, and placed in a garbage bag.

The cops concluded that Geraldine Jones had murdered Fleming in a despicable plot to steal baby Serenity and raise her as her own. Investigators never satisfactorily solved how Jones knew about Fleming’s family details or why Fleming agreed to go with her.

Geraldine Jones confessed to killing Samantha Fleming

Jones was arrested and hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts. She eventually brokered a deal with the prosecution; she pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and criminal confinement. She was sentenced to 30 years.

At the sentencing, Fleming’s mother, Sandy Segneri, told the court, “I want to tell you about Samantha. We will forever be affected… Nobody is promised tomorrow. But my world came to a crashing halt. This is like a bad movie that won’t stop playing…. Samantha loved unconditionally. She knew happy and rough times. But she wanted to believe there was good in all people.”

Mother of All Lies airs Saturday at 10/9c on Investigation Discovery.

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4 months ago

Why was she offered a plea deal? They had SOO much evidence against this Demon. It was totally pre-meditated murder. Even her own family knew it. She she should’ve gotten the death penalty or at least life!!!! Why?

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